Hello crEATe friends!
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting me through my blogging adventures so far, continuously inspiring and challenging me with topic suggestions, questions, compliments, and criticisms. What began as more or less of an exploration into a healthier and more natural way of life has turned into a plethora of learning opportunities, recipe creation, and a deeper look into the way in which we live.
I’m very excited to announce that in two weeks (hopefully!) crEATe will be undergoing some changes, and I’d like to open things up for your comments and suggestions. I’m currently working on a Wordpress blog format that will make crEATe more user-friendly. crEATe will also have its own domain name so more readers can engage in discussions. It is my goal for crEATe to ultimately become a sustainable, eco-friendly business that offers its supporters products and/or services to help them engage in a healthy, natural lifestyle.
I would love and appreciate your input on as many of the following questions as you'd like:
What is crEATe offering you that you like?
What would make crEATe better?
What topics would you like to see discussed?
What products and/or services would you like to see crEATe offer?
How do you read crEATe (ex. AnnArbor.com, Blogger, a reader, etc.)?
Should crEATe be more engaged in social media? In what way(s)?
Would you like to see crEATe offer other multimedia forms on the website (video, podcast, etc.)?
Do you have a URL name suggestion for crEATe (for a “.com” website)?
What would make you more excited about crEATe?
Feel free to post your thoughts as comments, email me directly at emilyweingarten@gmail.com, or respond anonymously via Google Forms here. Thank you again for your support so far and looking forward to hearing from you!