- crEATe is now Bread Nut Bakery. This means that http://a2create.blogspot.com is now http://www.breadnutbakery.com. The old web address will redirect, but you'll now be able to find Bread Nut Bakery through an internet search.
- The main focus of BreadNutBakery.com will be bread baking and the process of starting a bread business. But don't worry: you'll still find easy vegan/vegetarian recipes and opinion pieces here, too.
- This is an experimental process: I'll be sharing recipes with you as well as the steps I'm taking to attempt to get this business up and running. This means that--more than ever--I'd love our comments, feedback, and suggestions!
- Is there a market in Greensboro for artisan breads?
- What breads do I make well enough to sell to the public?
Determining the answers to the second question was fun. I set off to do some research--both on the web and in some classic cookbooks--on how to make my bread better. Some changes I've made are:
- Shorter rising times in hot and humid weather (some of my rising times have been reduced from 18 hours to only 8)
- Slightly more flour (or less water)
- Less kneading (except for in the case of no-knead breads)
- Shorter baking times (particularly in the final, uncovered portion of Dutch oven baking)
I'd love your comments on any part(s) of ths process as this is an entirely new exploration. Please comment below or email! Next week's post: finding a place to bake for the public. Any helpful suggestions are most appreciated!